The best care
Rapid Access Sleep Studies
Routine sleep studies have largely moved from specialist sleep laboratories and into the home, driven to a large extent by demand far exceeding sleep laboratory capacity. In reality most people don't need the very specialist additional measurements made in a sleep laboratory, and these resources are used where they are needed.
To properly investigate OSA you must as a minimum measure:
​Airflow in and out of the mouth and nose
Oximetry - continuous monitoring of oxygen levels in the blood
Breathing effort - preferably both the thoracic (chest) and abdominal (tummy)
Body position
If you recognise more than a couple of these indicators, then you should really get tested for OSA.
Unexplained daytime sleepiness
Witnessed apnoea - bed partner sees you not breathing
Waking up with a headache
Short term memory impairment/Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
Loss of libido
Being overweight
Feeling tired all the time
More than one bathroom visit during the night
Collar size > 17"
Dozing off when you don't want to
Having high blood pressure
Needing daytime naps
Struggling to concentrate at work
Loud snoring
Losing your energy and enthusiasm for life